Popular I Os Programming Tips
Using the camera of your phone/tablet without phonegap
Oscar Villarreal
3 responses
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xctool: fix "No architectures to compile for"
Giovanni Lodi
0 responses
tdd, ios, automation, unit testing
Remote Pairing Like a Boss
Delisa Mason
1 response
xcode, osx, pairing
Maximum value for attribute in Core Data
Zachary Waldowski
0 responses
core data, attribute, maximum, nsfetchrequest
Fade Out Splashscreen
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, objective-c, ios
How to Get Your App Rejected
Troy Shields
1 response
apple, windows phone, app store, ios
Useful macros for iOS projects
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
ios, macros, objective-c
How to sort a NSArray of NSDictionaries by distance
Juan Fernández Sagasti
1 response
sorting, nsarray, ios, distance
Testing almost any code in browser
Joel Kirchartz
4 responses
jquery, ruby, python, clojure
NSMutableArray, indexOfObject:, NSNull and NSNotFound (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, nsmutablearray, indexofobject, nsnull and nsnotfound
Get Xcode 4.4 command line tools easily
Adrien Brault
0 responses
xcode, mac, mountain lion, command line tools
Cache NSDateFormatter
Luca Bernardi
1 response
nsdateformatter, objective-c, thread-local storage
Post JSON Body to API with Basic HTTP Authentication using Objective C and AFNetworking 2.0
Luke Rhodes
0 responses
http, iphone, dev, json
inspect the view hierarchy in iOS
1 response
xcode, debugging, lldb
Swift SpriteKit - Shake Screen Effect
Mihails Tumkins
0 responses
shake, swift, spritekit
Find large javascript objects (crashing your app on iphone safari)
Bashir Eghbali
3 responses
ember.js, memory, iphone, safari
Emulating Mobile Devices in Chrome
Rahul Trikha
3 responses
chrome, android, mobile, iphone
UIActivityIndicatorView over an UIButton
Alessandro Calzavara
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Your own Objective-C shared object
Paweł Ksieniewicz
4 responses
singleton, objective-c, ios
Custom image overlays within iOS
Thomas Gray
2 responses
phonegap, ios, camera, camera overlay
Look into your iOS provisioning profile
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
security, profile, provisioning profile, code signing
JSON and the JavaScriptCore Framework (Xcode/iOS)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
ios, xcode, json, nsstring
UIWebView, Javascript and Objective-C (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, ios 5, uiwebview, ios
UIPickerView -Spin Tutorial
Gabriel Webb
1 response
ios, xcode, objective-c
Dealing with iOS 6 killing setTimeouts while dragging or scrolling in Safari
Frank Wambutt
0 responses
ios, apple, bug, safari