Popular History Programming Tips
Create a zsh function
Chip Castle
0 responses
zsh, alias, history, unix
Branch history in Git
Saleem Abdulrasool
0 responses
log, branches, history, git
Top 10 shell commands you currently use
Chip Castle
11 responses
alias, history, unix, shortcuts
Squash your git commits for a clean history
Einar Jonsson
0 responses
history, rebase, git
Bash history completion
Joeri Timmermans
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
The bang operator
Chip Castle
0 responses
osx, apple, screencast, history
Simple Git Log Alias
Piper Chester
0 responses
shell, color, branch, alias
Branch History with Branch Exclusions
Saleem Abdulrasool
0 responses
log, branches, history, git
Deleting Chrome Searched History with Javascript
عمار لقيس
1 response
chrome, history, chromium, dom
Preserve bash history across multiple sessions
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
shell, hack, history, bash
Reverse search your bash history
Eric Allam
1 response
shell, history, bash
Ruby, IRB and readline history
Richard Michael
0 responses
ruby, history, irb, readline
Generate a HISTORY.md file from git tags and commits
James Dennes
0 responses
ruby, markdown, history, tag
Search your bash history
Maik Kulbe
2 responses
shell, cli, history, bash
Building off of your history at the CLI
0 responses
bash, cli, history
Use comments for tagging successful commands on the command line
Bruno Gama
0 responses
shell, zsh, history, search
The UNIX System (Movie, 1982)
Alex Indigo
0 responses
history, unix, movie
Add date & time to your bash history
0 responses
shell, history, bash
Top 10 shell commands you currently use - Part 2
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, history, unix, commands
Rashaad Essop
4 responses
fortran, history, programming, logic
Linux history - log date for records in history
Viesturs Proškins
0 responses
linux, history, tips, bash
Windows Command Prompt History
David Laing
0 responses
bash, history, windows, command_prompt
Search your command history
Niels van Aken
0 responses
shell, grep, ssh, history
Show commands count in shell from history
0 responses
shell, history
Interactively search through bash history with CTRL+R
Romain Vigo Benia
0 responses
linux, history, unix, shortucts
Recent Activity
Create the GIT history of one specific file
Philipp Haußleiter
git, history, tooling, cli
Rediscovering MVC
mvc, web, history, patterns
List for top ten CLI Commands
Philipp Haußleiter
history, awk, bash
Use your history!
Lajos Koszti
shell, zsh, history, bash
Deleting Chrome Searched History with Javascript
عمار لقيس
chrome, history, chromium, dom
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