Last Updated: May 11, 2021
· ajnasz

Use your history!

If you haven't read the history expansion part of your shell's manual, here I will show some ideas why should do it.

However I read it and I found it super useful, I never got used to it, but few days ago I opened it again and started to practice it.

I'm working on ZSH but these commands should work on Bash (and probably on other shells) too.

Love !

By default, you say to the shell to use the history expansion by typing !. Starting a line or a command argument with ! you can send special commands to your shell.

Find commands

Let's imagine you want to list the files in /etc/apt

$ ls /etc/apt

Then you want to see it's content again

$ !!

Yay! Typing another ! after the first ! will refer to the last command in your history.

To list the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory, you can use the command above:

$ !!/sources.list.d

Referring by it's number

You can refer to the n-th command by typing n after the first !

$ !1

It will refer to you first command in your history, in this case it will be ls /etc/apt

$ !2

And this will expand to ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d

To refer to the current command-line minus n use negative numbers:

$ !-1

It's the same as !!

$ !-2

It will call the second last command.

Search by command

By typing the command name after !, the shell will search for the most recent history entry starting with this command:

$ !ls

Will find the ls /etc/apt command

You can also use only a part of the command:

$ !conv

It will find the convert command for example if you used it before.

Search for command contains a string

$ !?etc

That will expand to ls /etc/apt

Manipulate your history entries

You can do much more things with your history
entries in addition to repeating them.

You can use modifiers by typing a :modifier after the !search command. You can use more then one modifiers!


$ !ls:$:h

This will first expand the expression we have seen before then change it's output.

Referring to arguments

You can refer to the last argument by passing a $ sign after the :.

ls /etc/apt

That will print /etc/apt

Now we can use it do a quick move into the directory:

ls /etc/apt
cd !:$

Using command !:n you can refer to the n-th argument

ls /etc/apt /etc/apt/sources.list.d
cd !:1

The !:1 will expand to /etc/apt so, you will go to the /etc/apt directory. By saying cd !:2 you would go to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.

Just the beginning

That's just the beginning, you can find much more in the manual of your shell or online.


Practice as much as you can and have a new habit!

Written by Lajos Koszti

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2 Responses
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Thank you ,simple useful skill

over 1 year ago ·

I use this in my bash_login (mac) to type a partial search and use the arrow keys (up and down) to search through the history related to the partial:
bind '"[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"[B":history-search-forward'

over 1 year ago ·