Newest Grep Programming Tips
Crawling all URIs with wget and grep
4 responses
script, grep, wget, bash
Show the latest commit on your Heroku app
John Amicangelo
0 responses
heroku, grep, git
Stop piping grep to awk, just use nawk
Steffan Harries
1 response
grep, cli, awk, nawk
Find line with text + surrounding lines
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
grep, find, linux, mac
Intuitive flags information of Nginx
Pothi Kalimuthu
0 responses
nginx, awk, shell, zsh
grep XOR awk
Chris Seymour
0 responses
shell, bash, grep, awk
bundle grep $1
0 responses
ruby, bundler, grep, ack
Grabbing Timestamp Data from Logs
Jared Davis
0 responses
r, sed, grep, unix
Find a string in a project with one command
Gaël Gillard
0 responses
grep, find, unix
Search for a string in (all) files inside a directory
0 responses
shell, grep, search, directory
Vim: Edit Files that Grep finds
Bart Lantz
8 responses
grep, vim, commandline
Simple Search for String
Hartley Brody
0 responses
grep, unix
OS X and Project Wide Find and Replace
Ben Simpson
1 response
sed, grep, find, replace
Avoid returning your command when grepping ps output
Franco Reyes
0 responses
shell, grep, cli, *nix
Get a list gz files having a certain string without decompressing it
0 responses
shell, grep, linux, mac
Shell: grep in specific files in a subfolder
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, grep, find, search
Installing 'The Silver Searcher' on Ubuntu
Peter Golm
3 responses
shell, grep, linux, tool
Create list of hardcoded tags for logcat filter-spec
jaymz campbell
1 response
android, grep, bash, logcat
Find non-ascii characters in a directory
Wojtek Kruszewski
0 responses
ruby, grep, ascii, utf8
Greping a text file that's detected as binary
Vitor Baptista
1 response
grep, bigdata, encoding, unix-tools
Use grep to highlight, but not filter
James Barnett
0 responses
grep, linux
Grab multiple lines with grep
Blaine Pace
0 responses
shell, grep
Recursive find & replace with sed
Matt Senior
2 responses
sed, grep, linux
Ruby gem docs from shell to browser
Chip Castle
0 responses
ruby, grep, gem, unix