Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
Efficiency in Development Workflows: Deployment Pipelines and Zero Downtime Deployment
0 responses
heroku, merge, migration, deployment
Dev Ergonomics Tip: Use a Dark-Style GitHub/StackOverflow Theme
Preslav Rachev
0 responses
github, stackoverflow
Delete all remote merged branches
Amos King
0 responses
git, bash
Undoing a git add
David Tran
1 response
undo, commit, git
Git Branching Quick Reference
Jason Seney
0 responses
branching, git, source control
Enforcing branch state on a staging repo
Johannes Haseitl
0 responses
shell, git, bash
Git: Using repositories/branches for source separation
Bernhard Millauer
0 responses
staging, git, sync
Some cool stuff you should know about git #3
Radosław Jędryszczak
0 responses
tips, git, cherry-picking commits, reverting a remote commit
safe and sound faster blog commits on nanoc
0 responses
blog, commit, git, commits
Amending a GitHub Pull Request
Matt Smith
0 responses
command line, open-source, pull request, git
setup global gitignore to ignore temporary files
0 responses
rails, git
git fml
Matt Gauger
0 responses
Quickly remove deleted files in preparation for a Git commit.
Brendan Abbott
1 response
cmd, git, source control, git rm
Review recent commits with git-ribbon
Eric Johnson
0 responses
perl, git
Git: Colored graph at the command line
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
shell, terminal, git
Be warned when having more than 1 git stash
Guillaume Hain
1 response
stash, git
0 responses
git, coreserver
Project structured_log Goes Public
0 responses
ruby, github, opensource
Git database branches
0 responses
branches, database, git, create separate databases for git branches
Joah Gerstenberg
0 responses
editors, git