Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
Make life faster - one letter aliases
Łukasz Niemier
2 responses
shell, aliases, git, life hack
Automatically push git and hg commits with Atlassians SourceTree
0 responses
hg, git, sourcetree
BASH history tricks
Shawn Biddle
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Open Source to Github, Work Projects to BitBucket, All from Github for Windows
Cory Simmons
0 responses
version control, bitbucket, github
Add Pivotal Tracker ticket ID to git commit based on branch name
Roger Braun
0 responses
git, pivotal tracker, git hooks
how to use Git to access a SVN repo - specific case
Denison Luz
0 responses
svn, workflow, git
Get GitHub API oauth token with curl.
Jens Grassel
0 responses
shell, api, curl, oauth
Free build server as a service for C#/.Net
Kasper B. Graversen
0 responses
.net, test, ci, unit test
Hub : create new github repo!
Swapnil Abnave
0 responses
terminal, tools, hub, github
Best practice: Team Workflow for Github
Ryan Canty
0 responses
best practices, git, github
How do I rebase a chain of local git branches?
Saimon Moore
0 responses
rebase, git, chained branches
Eric S.
6 responses
boxen, hackintosh, github
How to use the "right" version of Git in your Mac
Everton Maldonado
1 response
mac, git, wrong version
Save tags and branches with git filter-branch
Andrew Kumanyaev
0 responses
branch, tag, git, filter-branch
Create a GitHub pull request after a successful Codeship build
Evan Sims
1 response
testing, pull request, deployment, codeship
Chuck Norris In Your Terminal
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, git, funny, bash
Pretty git log with graph
Mike Street
1 response
shell, linux, git