Popular Find Programming Tips
List files modified in the last hour - find command
Daniel Romero
1 response
shell, find, linux, unix
How to check in bash if file size is greater than N
Janos Gyerik
3 responses
shell, find, bash
Capybara - select first element (Ambiguity Resolution)
Vlado Cingel
0 responses
find, capybara, first
command line magic examples with grep / cut / awk / sort
Ralph Meier
0 responses
shell, sed, grep, find
shell: Find and copy files
Sajnikanth Suriyanarayanan
0 responses
find, copy, bash
RegEx to find a line containing certain words
Tom Loudon
0 responses
regex, find, regular expression, replace
How NOT to delete files with the find command
Greg Nofi
8 responses
find, unix
Find locked files in OSX terminal
Jinn Koriech
0 responses
osx, find, file, lock
Find files on Linux with... find
0 responses
regex, find, linux, regexp
Push all the files in a directory to an s3 bucket
Hartley Brody
0 responses
find, s3, xargs, aws
Replace relative path to parent directory with dynamic root directory of a Node.js project
James Womack
0 responses
node, regex, sed, find
Remove files older than 7 days
Balazs Nadasdi
1 response
shell, script, find, cron
Add a file to every subdirectory recursively
Hartley Brody
0 responses
grep, find, xargs, git
OS X and Project Wide Find and Replace
Ben Simpson
1 response
sed, grep, find, replace
Searching strings in Xcode using NSScanner and NSRegularExpression
Anthony Levings
0 responses
regex, grep, find, nsstring
Use find and sed to find and replace text in multiple files
Andrea Puggioni
1 response
sed, find, linux, bash
Recursively Expand Tabs to Spaces
0 responses
bash, script, find, tabs
Little ruby snippet to find words in files recursively
Rafael Barbosa
2 responses
ruby, find, directory, words
List directory with up to 8 millions files
0 responses
ls, terminal, find, list
Find a Class in a bunch of JAR Files
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
find, batch, jar, class
Find commits not in the logs
Gil Polguère
0 responses
find, logs, search, commit
Delete all files except those matching a pattern
Aaron Ott
0 responses
find, commandline, linux
Finding a provisioning profile from its name
Daniel Green
0 responses
xcode, find, uuid, ios
Shell: grep in specific files in a subfolder
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, grep, find, search
Recent Activity
Copy directory structure without files
shell, unix, find, bash
Bash list files recursivly with find
shell, ls, find, commandline
Remove files older than 7 days
Balazs Nadasdi
shell, script, find, cron
Capybara - select first element (Ambiguity Resolution)
Vlado Cingel
find, capybara, first
Bash, grep string in file with file name and line number.
Andrea Richiardi
bash, grep, find, linux
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