Putting DevOps to Work
ansible install java 8
Paul Felby
2 responses
linux, java, ansible
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Docker installation: no such file or directory
1 response
error, docker.io, ubtuntu, 14.04
Adding and Deleting user in Ubuntu
Hikmat Dhamee
2 responses
devops, linux, ubuntu
transparent vagrant subdirectory
Simon Waibl
0 responses
shell, vagrant
Password-less vagrant NFS share
Michal Bryxí
0 responses
macosx, vagrant, nfs
Building Nginx/PHP-FPM deb packages via Docker
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
php, nginx, devops, docker
Docker images for Keycloak
Juraci Paixão Kröhling
0 responses
keycloak, docker
give up Docker in Development Enviroment
4 responses
vagrant, docker
DevOps your team!
Eugene Rudenko
0 responses
devops, development methodology
Vagrant, Virtualbox, 32bit systems and more than one cpu
Jens Grassel
0 responses
linux, virtualbox, vagrant
Template an Ansible playbook w/o interpreting variables
Sarah Zelechoski
2 responses
jinja2, ansible
Docker WordPress Kurulumu
Doğan Aydın
0 responses
docker wordpress, dockerfile wordpress, wordpress install, docker
Deploy WordPress using Docker and Dokku
Massimo Ronca
1 response
dokku, wordpress, wordpress deploy, docker
Bootstrap old CentOS/RedHat VMs for use with Ansible
Sarah Zelechoski
0 responses
bootstrap, centos, redhat, ansible
Create an AWS Stack with cfndsl
3 responses
devops, aws, cfndsl, cloudformation
Retrieve the last version of an artifact on S3
0 responses
s3, aws, devops, jq
How to install Ansible on SLES 11
Robert Winkler
3 responses
ansible, sles11
Getting system user or group ids by their names with Ruby
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
ruby, linux, unix, sysadmin
AWS Spot instance with AIM Role and Security Group
0 responses
ruby, s3, aws, devops
Recursively delete .git directories
Montana Flynn
0 responses
shell, linux, devops, git
Automated Update a Running Docker Container and CleanUP old Version of it!
Frank Lemanschik
1 response
image, deploy, update, production
Failed connect to localhost:5984; Connection refused
2 responses
osx, couchdb, boot2docker, connection refused
Best Method for Logging when Using Docker.io
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
io, log, logging, remote
OS X keychain & ansible-vault
Gerhard Lazu
0 responses
osx, keychain, ansible