Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· jpkrohling

Docker images for Keycloak

I mentioned Keycloak on a previous note, and I thought it would be interesting to share two Docker images that were just published. So, if you want to give Keycloak a try, all you need to do is this:

$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 jpkroehling/keycloak-server

Once it pulls the server image and boots the server, you can login with the admin/admin credentials on the admin interface (you'll have to change the password on the first access, for obvious reasons).

The second Docker image is based on the first one, and provides some sample applications to show how Single Sign On between a multitude of clients can be achieved. You can refer to the Keycloak docs for details on the examples, but here's how to get started:

$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 jpkroehling/keycloak-examples

Additionally to the server image, this allows you to login to the Customer Portal sample application using the credentials mentioned on the documentation ( / password).

As you'll be able to see, you can use Keycloak even with non-Java applications, like HTML5 single-page apps or applications with different backends (PHP, Ruby, ...).
