Popular Commandline Programming Tips
Commandline JSON Pretty Print everywhere
Luis Nell
12 responses
python, shell, zsh, vim
Store credentials in file for use with smbclient
Ferry Boender
0 responses
linux, commandline, samba, smb
Persistent IRC history with IRSSI and TMUX
3 responses
terminal, irc, commandline, tmux
Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
2 responses
cli, json, commandline, javascript
Get first column data from CSV file with awk
Jose Miguel
0 responses
shell, commandline, awk, csv
Open the Xcworkspace file in the current directory
Bram Plessers
1 response
workspace, terminal, xcode, osx
ZSH reverse history search with regex.
Petro Verkhogliad
3 responses
zsh, terminal, commandline
Open Sublime Text 2 from the console (MacOS X)
6 responses
sublime, editor, commandline, sublime text 2
Vim: Edit Files that Grep finds
Bart Lantz
8 responses
grep, vim, commandline
Convert fonts from the command line
Jon Lunsford
0 responses
ruby, shell, cli, commandline
Quickly create sparse file in Linux
Tom O'Connor
0 responses
linux, commandline, dd, sparse-file
pbcopy & pbpaste
Jason Rogers
2 responses
linux, mac, commandline, pbcopy
Elixir Command Line Parsing
Booker C. Bense
0 responses
elixir, commandline, parsing
More JSON formatting
Jason Rogers
0 responses
vim, json, commandline, yajl
Spotlight from the OS X Commandline
Bob Williams
0 responses
osx, mac, commandline, mdfind
Use Alfred to launch an iTerm2 tab with a named profile
Petro Verkhogliad
0 responses
commandline, iterm2, alfredapp
Run CodeIgniter controllers from the commandline
Pedro Luz
0 responses
php, codeigniter, commandline, cronjob
A better way to tail logs
2 responses
linux, logs, commandline, tail
commandline output for coderwall.com
Jason Rogers
2 responses
coderwall, linux, mac, unix
Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Terminal
1 response
terminal, sublime, commandline
Delete all files except those matching a pattern
Aaron Ott
0 responses
find, commandline, linux
Find files containing specific pattern among many similar files.
Vinit Kumar
0 responses
tips, commandline
Heroku commandline helpers
Jason Rogers
0 responses
shell, heroku, commandline, bash
Change directory, list files and print current directory path in one command
Samuel Lampa
1 response
shell, terminal, commandline, linux
Three very useful command line tips
Rafael Bika
3 responses
shell, commandline
Recent Activity
Gulp: Command-line to build with prodoction
Ilic Davor
commandline, gulp, js, npm
Store credentials in file for use with smbclient
Ferry Boender
linux, commandline, samba, smb
Bash list files recursivly with find
shell, ls, find, commandline
Download/Backup Site via FTP from commandline
commandline, ftp, wget
bbcli - browse BBC News in the command line.
Wesley Hill
python, terminal, cli, unix
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