Popular Commandline Programming Tips
Alyssa Pohahau
0 responses
unix, commandline, arpohahau
change the color scheme in windows cmd
Zhang Tai
0 responses
commandline, cmd, windows
Bash list files recursivly with find
0 responses
shell, ls, find, commandline
bbcli - browse BBC News in the command line.
Wesley Hill
1 response
python, terminal, cli, unix
Simple date conversion from the commandline
Aaron Ott
0 responses
linux, commandline, date
My Git Environment
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, commandline, git
AWS Auto Scaling
Guilherme Elias
0 responses
ruby, commandline, aws, autoscaling
Remove all your Ruby gems "like a baws"...
Wouter Martens
1 response
ruby, gem, commandline, remove
Insert previous shell command
0 responses
zsh, linux, commandline, bash
Fishshell Function for Uncompressing Tarballs with Progress bars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, fish, commandline, tar
check port usage on mac
daniel anggrianto
0 responses
shell, unix, commandline
Fishshell function for Creating Tarballs with Progressbars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, fish, commandline, tar
Password protected ZIP files on a Mac
0 responses
commandline, zip
Gulp: Command-line to build with prodoction
Ilic Davor
0 responses
commandline, gulp, js, npm
Download/Backup Site via FTP from commandline
0 responses
commandline, ftp, wget
Who is on the network
Dinesh Vasudevan
0 responses
commandline, network