Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Manage multiple AWS accounts with CLI (eb for Elastic Beanstalk)
Jónatan Rojas
0 responses
python, rails, push, cli
Tmux Basics
shiva kumar
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shell, terminal, osx, tmux
Run a Matlab script from ViM
Christos Delivorias
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matlab, osx, vim, linux
Russian Roulette SysAdmin Style
Chris Seymour
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shell, bash
Use your aliases with sudo
Jim Greenleaf
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shell, aliases, sudo, bashrc
Sort gems in your Gemfile
Alex G
8 responses
rails, vim, gemfile
Tmux : Named sessions with autocomplete
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shell, zsh, tmux, screen
Easy Bash/ZSH Movement in Mac OS X Terminal
Jasdeep Singh
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zsh, bash, command line editing
Move back to the last visited directory
Paolo Di Tommaso
9 responses
shell, linux
Ag - like Ack just faster
Hannes Georg
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shell, grep, tools, ack
rails.vim: navigating your Rails project
Sindre Moen
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ruby, rails, vim
Reload current browser tab from the terminal
Jason Hickner
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shell, chrome, osx
Use the Acme Edit command to search and replace across many buffers
Jason Catena
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shell, undo, regular expression, search
Hide iTerm2 from OS X’s dock
Gonçalo Morais
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console, terminal, osx, dropdown
SSH Sock Proxy
Lars Van Casteren
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bash, ssh, tunnel, socks5
zsh: command not found while executing shell commands in vim
Silas Sao
1 response
shell, zsh, vim, mac
Convert fonts from the command line
Jon Lunsford
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ruby, shell, cli, commandline
Check if given executable exists (all shells)
Adam Stankiewicz
3 responses
zsh, unix, ksh, bash
Install Laravel 4 with Ease
Neil Sweeney
4 responses
shell, laravel, bash_profile
OSX Influenced bash aliases
Austin Turnage
8 responses
rails, aliases, osx, bash
Equivalent of /etc/hosts File for Individual Users
0 responses
configuration, ssh
Sed recursively with the help of ack and xargs
Mario Bonales
1 response
shell, sed, unix, bash
Case insensitive auto-complete in OSX Terminal.app
Robert Dougan
0 responses
terminal, osx, insensitive
Many editors, many developers, one convention.
Alif Rachmawadi
3 responses
emacs, vim, sublimetext, textmate