Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
CDPATH - cd to your project directory from anywhere
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
Measure HTTP response times with cURL and store it on Cosm
Ilya Dmitrichenko
0 responses
http, curl, cosm, response
How to retrieve and store java version in a bash variable
0 responses
shell, version, java, bash
Greping a text file that's detected as binary
Vitor Baptista
1 response
grep, bigdata, encoding, unix-tools
Set vim's equalprg for better formatting
Spencer Williams
0 responses
vim, linux, unix
Storing secrets in the macOS keychain
2 responses
macos, apple, keychain, configuration
Howto use su with ssh x-forwarding
Hannes Georg
0 responses
linux, ssh, x, su
Using the grep command
Eric Berry
0 responses
grep, unix
Pipe viewer import mysql database
Jose Ruzafa
1 response
shell, mysql, import, pipe
git-remove-tag: Remove tags from local and remote
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, git, garbage
pretty format json file in vim
1 response
python, vim, json
Recursively download files from a HTTP directory
Diego Ponciano
1 response
shell, wget, http
Quick-n-Dirty Link Extraction with lynx
Phil Smith
0 responses
shell, web crawling, lynx
Skeleton Daemon written in Bash
Shawn Patrick Rice
0 responses
shell, daemon, template, bash
"Sticky" window in tmux
Dmitry Medvinsky
0 responses
shell, tmux
remap caps-lock to escape in ubuntu 13.10
Sven Eigenbrodt
0 responses
vim, ubuntu, keymap
Setup Powerline for Vim/MacVim in OSX 10.9.1
Djamel Eddine Feddad
2 responses
vim, macvim, powerline, osx 10.9.1
GNU/Linux: time zone for a specific user
Paweł Wilk
0 responses
shell, linux, gnu, user
grep -nr <x> <folder>
Marc Kuo
1 response
shell, sublime text, linux, ide
Create bitbucket repo via commandline
0 responses
shell, repo, bitbucket, git
Add sudo after opening a file in vim
Steffan Harries
5 responses
vim, linux, sudo
Create A Simple Git Timesheet
David Stump
3 responses
alias, git, bash, timesheet
Get external IP with CLI
Osvaldo Zonetti
10 responses
shell, cli, unix, linux