Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Show last command's status in bash prompt
Łukasz Korecki
1 response
shell, zsh, bash
irb time saver
Tieg Zaharia
4 responses
ruby, shell
Bash history completion
Joeri Timmermans
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
shell function arguments in bash/os x
Blake Barrett
0 responses
shell, osx, backup, functions
Git hooks - how don't push nasty code?
Bartłomiej Danek
9 responses
shell, sed, scm, hooks
Hiding rvm, bundler from your users
Tom, Bom
0 responses
ruby, shell
Vim: Django Code AutoComplete
Marín Alcaraz
3 responses
vim, django, autocomplete
A simple incremental backup on linux with dar
Mathieu Ruellan
0 responses
linux, backup, bash, dar
:Sex in vim
0 responses
vim, sex
Viewing Markdown files in Terminal
Daniel Sim
0 responses
shell, terminal, markdown, os x
List Jira ticket ids from Git log
Roman Stets
0 responses
shell, git, git log, jira
Tailing MySQL Binary Log
Tom O'Connor
2 responses
shell, mysql, tail
One command to rule them all
Dale Sande
1 response
alias, command line, bash
Tail logs on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Richard Soutar
0 responses
log, ssh, aws, beanstalk
Front-end web development tricks in Vim: Uncompress HTML
Rob Jens
3 responses
regex, vim, tags, css3
Custom Gnome3 Menu Items & App Launchers
Jason Balthis
0 responses
shell, linux, menus, applications
Use MacVim as your git diff tool (no external script)
Nathan Long
1 response
diff, vim, git
Shell based GeoIP log file analysis
Mickaël Rémond
0 responses
shell, geoip, bash
A pretty vim foldtext function
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
vim, vimrc, .vimrc
Simple PHP CLI Apps
Nate Good
2 responses
php, command line, cli
Install +100 core CLI utilities with 1 command
1 response
shell, tools, gnu
Power Management via Terminal
0 responses
terminal, mac, mac os x, power management
Extracting archives from the terminal easily
Kristian Andersen
4 responses
shell, bash
watch + lsof == Instant Progress Bar
Phil Smith
2 responses
shell, linux
tidied HTML in vi/vim
Jason Rogers
2 responses
vim, tidy, html