Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Progress bar with compression
Alan Ivey
2 responses
terminal, linux, progress, compression
Paste in new line in vim
Natwar Singh
0 responses
vim, workflow
Using Rbenv Ruby From Within Vim (zsh)
6 responses
zsh, vim, rbenv
Simple JSON Syntax Highlighting in Vim
Yaser Sulaiman
0 responses
vim, json
Fabric and Celery can be friends!
Alex Hart
3 responses
python, django, ssh, fabric
Vim Ctrl-Space Omni & Keyword Completion
Ben Doerr
2 responses
vim, vimrc
ctags in Rails project
Jason King
0 responses
shell, rails, cli, ctags
Open the terminal in a right way
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
1 response
cli, tabs, gnome-terminal, mate-terminal
Generate Morse code WAV files on the Linux CLI.
Kerrick Long
0 responses
cli, linux, cw, morse code
SSH proxy and tunnel
Eugeniy Belyaev
0 responses
proxy, ssh, socks, ssh-tunnel
Get puma jungle scripts working with rvm
Johannes Opper
1 response
rails, nginx, puma, capistrano
Switch from SublimeText/TextMate to Vim
Jared McFarland
8 responses
vim, programming, text editing
Vim command to convert variable into spec let(:var)
Christian Schlensker
0 responses
ruby, vim, code, minitest
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Chose iOS Simulator via command line
Ignacio Calderon
0 responses
simulator, cli, automation, command
Remove the ugly splits separator
0 responses
vim, window, split
Tmux with utf-8
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
1 response
console, vim, tmux
Detect newline(\n) in sed replacement
Sergiy Borodych
0 responses
shell, sed
automate SSH configs with python
Emre Yılmaz
3 responses
python, ssh
Reading YAML files in bash with ruby
Tom, Bom
0 responses
ruby, bash
Keeping your github forks in sync
1 response
openstack, bash, github
Comment lines in Vim
Sandro Meier
2 responses
vim, comment, uncomment
Vim Tweaking :: SPF13 the ultimate bootstrapper
Rob Jens
0 responses
toolkit, vim, ide, productivity