Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
Output an NSString to STDOUT in Objective-C
Max Woolf
1 response
cli, stdout, objective-c
HTTPie, an easy to use cURL replacement
Jakub Roztocil
0 responses
python, cli, http, curl
Bang Cash (!$)
Robin Curry
15 responses
iTunes Command Line Interface
Mateusz Gachowski
1 response
cli, interface, itunes, command
That noop operator in bash
Gildas Cherruel
0 responses
bash, noop, dry run
vim :w!!
Bart Lantz
6 responses
Git: View a file in a different branch
Chris Jaure
0 responses
branch, vim, git
Auto increment version in Xcode
1 response
shell, ios, xcode, versioning
Save bash history in syslog on CentOS
0 responses
security, linux, bash, syslog
Changing your default shell in Mac OS X
Lincoln de Sousa
0 responses
shell, osx, bash
Live remote traffic via with Logstalgia
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
ssh, nginx, linux, logstalgia
Vim: Edit Files that Grep finds
Bart Lantz
8 responses
grep, vim, commandline
mkdircd the child of mkdir and cd
Jupiter St John
2 responses
shell, zsh, alias, cd
vim color schemes
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
vim, color schemes
Linux and (Bash) Shell: Basics
3 responses
shell, linux, bash
Burn your CPU for fun & profit
Stanislaw Pusep
2 responses
shell, cpu, benchmark
alias "gti=git"
Tobias Otte
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Play YouTube video from terminal to Chromecast
Balazs Nadasdi
10 responses
zsh, youtube, bash, chromecast
Ignoring .gitignore files in Unite.vim
Zach Gotsch
6 responses
vim, unite, ag
'cat' with syntax highlighting
Osvaldo Zonetti
1 response
shell, alias, cli, linux
Vim oriented keyboard setup for Mac
Benjamin Harris
2 responses
osx, vim, keyboard, mac
use subl to call sublime text 2 from git bash on Windows
Jupiter St John
0 responses
sublime text 2, bash, windows, git bash