Hacking the Command Line
Unlock the power of the prompt with these one liners and hacks.
/usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory
2 responses
bash, compiling nx, nomachine, nx-libs
Persist keys in ssh-agent on OS X
Mark Allen
2 responses
ssh, os x, mountain lion, ssh keys
Opening files in Notepad++ from Cygwin
Sequoia McDowell
0 responses
bash, windows, notepad, cygwin
bash script to generate tree structure of a directory
Pravendra Singh
2 responses
linux, command, bash, filesystem
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
Fast Switching PHP on OS X
Marc Qualie
5 responses
php, homebrew, bash
enable vim with lua support
0 responses
lua, vim, macvim
Export an SVN repo to a web directory using the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
shell, svn, subversion, command-line
How to speed up CtrlP
Alexey Astafyev
4 responses
vim, ctrlp
Launch Sublime Text 2 from a terminal in Mac OS
Matt Munday
5 responses
shell, terminal, editor, sublime text 2
Don't sudo npm
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
6 responses
shell, open source, linux, os x
Allow user to execute one command as root (no sudo)
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
2 responses
cli, json, commandline, javascript
Always run gofmt in vim
Matt Williams
2 responses
vim, golang
My Best / Essential Git Aliases. What are your's?
Markus Perl
9 responses
git alias, vagrant, git, bash
ZSH autoloading functions I
Rob Jentzema
1 response
shell, zsh, functions, autoload
ZSH: Display commands runtime in prompt
2 responses
shell, zsh, time, bash
SSH + gzip + pv + pipes = copying files from remote boxen
Steven Harman
1 response
ssh, unix, pipes
Vim: Checking Python code on the fly
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, vim
log navigation with `less`
Lisa Hagemann
1 response
shell, less, log navigation
Transparent socks proxy in bash
Richo Healey
0 responses
proxy, socks, bash
creating a self-extracting-archive installer script
Gino Lucero
2 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
Using Vim with fish shell
Dmitry Medvinsky
4 responses
fish, vim, bash