Hacking the Command Line
Add a Banner to Mongo shell
Peter Souter
0 responses
shell, mongodb, mongo, javascript
Change AWS Elastic Beanstalk Passenger Spawn Mode
Tim Clipsham
0 responses
shell, aws, passenger
POSIX way to check if command is shell function
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, ksh
Get command path in POSIX shell
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, ksh
Finding out what is running on port 80
Adam Phillips
0 responses
shell, apache
Restart apache with additional debug information
Adam Phillips
0 responses
shell, apache
Fast Switching PHP on OS X
Marc Qualie
5 responses
php, homebrew, bash
OS X Restart Service Shortcut
Marc Qualie
0 responses
function, supervisor, ubuntu, bash
List all user in linux
Ismail Sunni
0 responses
terminal, linux, list user, shell
Build context aware cli tools in python
0 responses
python, cli
Top 10 shell commands you currently use - Part 2
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, history, unix, commands
update rails test DB after a running a migration
0 responses
shell, rails, alias, migration
Running a Cron Job every other week
Kevin Dew
3 responses
cron, bash
Rebuild Cscope database
Gianluca Ciccarelli
0 responses
vim, cscope, code navigation
a gemset per project shortcut
antonio lorusso
0 responses
ruby, shell, zsh
Some handy (for me) bash aliases
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
bash, git, aliases, ghost in the shell
Mount directory via SSH
Morgane Tisserant
0 responses
ssh, bug, mount, sshfs
Shell: grep in specific files in a subfolder
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, grep, find, search
rm -r ./~ is way way different than rm -r ~
Prashanth Sadasivan
0 responses
ec2, ubuntu, bash
The Pasteboard & the Command line (Mac OS X)
Thomas Kober
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
Git: Colored graph at the command line
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
shell, terminal, git
Delimiters in sed substitution
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
shell, terminal, sed, linux
Using Terminal to Open Git Repositories in SourceTree
Franklin Strube
1 response
terminal, osx, git, sourcetree