Hacking the Command Line
Your Twitter Status Timeline on Linux Terminal
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
ruby, shell, terminal
Git Interactive Staging in shell script
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
shell, linux, git, bash
Want to use MacVim with Unity?
Alex Hart
0 responses
vim, mac, unity, c#
starting the ssh-agent
Amar Sanakal
0 responses
shell, ssh-agent
Open current Vim buffer in GitHub
Luca Guidi
0 responses
vim, git
Kill Rails Server
Trent Kocurek
1 response
ruby, rails, terminal
Show OSX download history
Mauro Barincelli
0 responses
terminal, osx
Custom navigation commands in Rails.vim
Stephen Caudill
1 response
ruby, rails, vim
Want to reset iOS simulator from your terminal?
Thais Camilo
0 responses
terminal, ios simulator, rubymotion
Bash/Shell script quick cheat sheet
0 responses
shell, script, tips, testing
pro prank: make the terminal slow over time
Nimrod Gutman
0 responses
mac, linux, bash, slow
Sort your git tags by version! Version Sort to the rescue!
Loisaida Sam
2 responses
git, sort, bash, semantic versioning
Auto toggle-off NERDTree in a small terminal
Matt Carroll
0 responses
vim, nerdtree, terminal size
Using gs for lean rbenv gemsets
Erol Fornoles
0 responses
ruby, shell, rbenv, gemset
Brother scanner + linux (ubuntu server).
Rafał Malinowski
5 responses
shell, brother, scanner
Use Sublime text alias in your shell.
0 responses
shell, sublime, alias, unix