Hacking the Command Line
css color preview plugin done right
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
css, vim, colors, plugin
log navigation with `less`
Lisa Hagemann
1 response
shell, less, log navigation
Vim diffs to webpages
James Rampton
2 responses
html, diff, web, vim
Simple Search for String
Hartley Brody
0 responses
grep, unix
bash jobs
Jake Bellacera
0 responses
code, tips, lifehack, efficiency
Writing Zsh Completion for Padrino
Matthias Guenther
0 responses
ruby, zsh, padrino
Persistent IRC history with IRSSI and TMUX
3 responses
terminal, irc, commandline, tmux
Run Tests on Directory Save
Saul Shanabrook
0 responses
shell, fish, bash, testing
No more slash!
Juan Camilo
0 responses
shell, linux, unix
Emacs term on the remote ubuntu box
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
emacs, ssh, term, ubuntu
Theme/Scheme Collection For Sublime, Textmate, Chrome Dev Tools, and more
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
sublime text, vim, textmate, design
Tail/head by screenfuls in zsh
Peter Lejeck
0 responses
nuckchorris, zsh, head, tail
Replace a string recursively in a directory on Mac OS X
Bertrand Chardon
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, replace
ZSH: Display commands runtime in prompt
2 responses
shell, zsh, time, bash
`cat` syntax highlighting
Boris Guéry
19 responses
shell, zsh, cat, bash
Bash tab complete ignorecase
Mat Cauthon
0 responses
shell, linux, bash
twiimote - connecting a wiimote to twitter
Wesley Hill
0 responses
python, terminal, twitter, internet
Quickly jump to a project in shell
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
shell, cli, productivity, bash
automate SSH configs with python
Emre Yılmaz
3 responses
python, ssh
Show last command's status in bash prompt
Łukasz Korecki
1 response
shell, zsh, bash
Remove whitespace on edges from images
Karsten Silkenbäumer
0 responses
shell, imagemagick
Calculating durations in Unix
James Martin
0 responses
shell, linux, unix, time
OS X and Project Wide Find and Replace
Ben Simpson
1 response
sed, grep, find, replace
Resync time for CentOS
Danny Gershman
0 responses
shell, centos