Popular Command Line Programming Tips
Make Git more forgiving on miss-spellings
Joel Day
0 responses
command line, git
Capifony interactive branch tag deploy
0 responses
branch, command line, tag, interactive
Clear Internet Explorer Cache Instantantly
1 response
command line, ie, cache, windows
SOLVED: Getting yourself back into your server after failing to authenticate properly multiple times
Tim Fernihough
0 responses
mysql, web, command line, unix
A Cleaner IP display
Jeremy Morgan
0 responses
.net, command line, utilities, dos
One line white noise generator
Allan MacGregor
0 responses
shell, command line, linux, programming
Resetting the whole svn working copy at once
Benedikt Ritter
0 responses
command line, svn, bash
Watch Star Wars - From Within Terminal...
Kraig Walker
1 response
terminal, osx, command line, telnet
Navigate through your command line like a boss. (Push and pop yo directories, dawg.)
0 responses
shell, command line
pbcopy and pbpaste under *nix
0 responses
shell, command line, linux, unix
Git alias to easily create .gitignore file with gitignore.io
Russell Dempsey
0 responses
shell, terminal, aliases, gitignore
Read the manpages
2 responses
shell, command line, man, help
Every day aliases
Jose Antonio Pio
0 responses
rails, aliases, command line
Pretty print xml in command line
Mite Mitreski
0 responses
command line, linux, xml
Back up home dir from OSX using rsync
Stuart Knightley
0 responses
command line, backup, rsync
prefix command output in bash
Nick Jacob
1 response
terminal, command line, commands, bash
Perl : Search and Replace text from a file
1 response
perl, command line, find-replace
Compiling executables from CoffeeScript
Tadeusz Łazurski
0 responses
coffeescript, command line, cli, npm
Flushing OS/X Mavericks DNS
Paulino Michelazzo
0 responses
command line, os, dns, mavericks
Extract .tar.gz in single command.
Mitchell Duffy
0 responses
command line, .bashrc, zip, tar
Copy+paste across any networked unix computers
David Porter
6 responses
command line, unix
Easily check directories sizes
Rodrigo Flores
2 responses
command line, unix
Amending a GitHub Pull Request
Matt Smith
0 responses
command line, open-source, pull request, git
Node.js isn't just for the server
Timothy Marks
0 responses
nodejs, command line
SSH: Simple CLI function to add keys to server.
Jon Lunsford
2 responses
command line, ssh