Copy+paste across any networked unix computers
Need to get text from one computer to another and don't want to email it or do something equally silly? Use netcat:
Simple piping to a file
On the recipient computer, set netcat to listen on port 5000 and to pipe the contents it receives to a file.
nc -l 5000 > someTextfile.txt
On the sender computer, send the contents of the file through netcat to the other computer's ip. Note that I've used cat
here, but you could just as easily use any piped data.
cat fromTextfile.txt | nc <ip of recipient computer> 5000
That's it!
Note, there's no reason to use port 5000 in particular, I'm just using it because it's free and it won't conflict with any of the lower 1-1024 ports.
Read directly into vim:
On the recipient computer, it's easy enough to extend this to pipe directly into Vim
From within Vim:
:r ! nc -l 5000
Which should read into the current buffer the given command - in this case the data being received from netcat.
Edit and pipe from vim
Taken one step further, we can pipe from one vim to another with ease so long as you have the moreutils
package installed. By using vipe
from this package, the contents can be piped to vim, edited and then sent onwards.
cat someFile.txt | vipe | nc <ip of recipient> 5000
Naturally, this is only one use. Binary files I suppose would work; it's a case of really only being limited by creativity; netcat is the usual one-task done well unix philosophy and there's plenty that could be expanded upon this humble idea.
Written by David Porter
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6 Responses

I had issues with 'nc -l 12345', netcat actually listened on random port. Fixed with 'nc -lp 12345'

I tried cinan's method.Now it worked :)

Nice, from what I understand, netcat is part of a number of distributions and has a number of different flavours. My setup worked with vanilla Ubuntu ~12 and ~13 and OSX but milage may vary. Which OS were you using?

I'm using Debian7(Wheezy),the netcat verison is [v1.10-40].Use "nc -h" you can see the options have one column "-p port local port number".

I like the "read-into-vim" trick, but you should note that netcat transmits whatever you're sending in cleartext, so better not use this method with sensitive data. You can add a security layer by tunnelling this through SSH, but generally you might want to consider using the scp command instead as it is secure and has bash-completion enabled for both your locally configured SSH hosts AND remote paths.

Good point, I was trying to transfer hashes from my laptop at the time of writing and security didn't occur to me. ssh -R is your friend for text files in this situation in my humble opinion.