Popular Code Programming Tips
Save yourself 2 - 3 Seconds while coding using this tip
Morrison Laju
0 responses
code, time, general, comment
Regex operators made non greedy
Yuriy Golobokov
0 responses
ruby, php, regex, code
type-safe struct wrappers
Enno Rehling
0 responses
code, cpp, c, types
OAuth Rube Goldburg Machine
Lee Cardona
1 response
code, oauth, stupid, why
"Suggest completions while typing." - No, Thanks
Jed Laudenslayer
0 responses
xcode, code, dev, ios
Share live code
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
code, live, collaboration, firebase
Behavior-Driven Integration and Unit Testing
0 responses
cucumber, code, screencast, testing
Code search with duckduckgo
Jonathan Pepin
0 responses
google, code, search, duckduckgo
Awesome text editor for code, markup and prose
Ilya Laryionau
0 responses
code, text editor, markup
Self Commenting Code
Jeffrey Pearce
0 responses
code, standards, commenting
git commit amend
Milos Dakic
0 responses
git, terminal, code, commit
bash jobs
Jake Bellacera
0 responses
code, tips, lifehack, efficiency
Search directories for string, and save to file
0 responses
code, search
Codes - Snippet Manager
Harshit Yadav
0 responses
web, code, snippet, programmer
Get error codes of all commands in a bash pipe
Ben Kennish
0 responses
code, error, pipe, bash
Making library calls in R easier
David Tran
0 responses
r, code
The code must be shared
Josue Daniel Bustamante
0 responses
public, code, work, time
Find Symlinks
0 responses
code, symlinks
Personal Scheduling
0 responses
code, tip, programming, fun
Find large files in a directory
0 responses
code, unix
REPL: What is Code and Programming
0 responses
code, programming, repl
Counting lines in directory's files
Vinicius Quaiato
0 responses
terminal, code, lines, count
Comment Your Code
Eric McCormick
0 responses
code, coding, best practices, comment
Cleanliness is next to Godliness....Be Organized and Understandable
Rienier Patron
0 responses
code, clean, organize
Learn what you need only when you need it
Jesse Showalter
0 responses
code, learn, new skills, decisions