Popular Code Programming Tips
Create a simple CSS circle
3 responses
css, code, simple, circle
FireZenk's ProgressBar source published
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
source, code, progress, bar
auto-download all videos of any Event at Confreaks.com
Abhishek Kumar
1 response
ruby, shell, rails, code
PHPUnit best practices
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, code, best, practices
Android FireZenk's TickerText
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
source, code, text, custom
Coding Style Guidelines (CSS, JS, HTML)
Tobias Block
1 response
css, html, code, js
Navigate ruby source without an IDE
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
0 responses
ruby, rails, editor, code
Omniauth Tips
Luis Ezcurdia
0 responses
google, code, omniauth, tips
FireZenk's ProgressBar source updated
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
android, source, code, progress
Sharing your Screen on the network with Ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, code, server
Avoid the word "and" in your method names
Austin Keeley
2 responses
code, design, interfaces, code smell
Quick-Format your code in Visual Studio
Mark Hagan
0 responses
vb.net, code, design, format
Epic List of Front End Development Resources
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
jquery, php, css, typography
So you want to choose an IDE eh?
The Spirit Molecule.
2 responses
php, workspace, web, editor
Qrafti QR code generator
Oli Lisher
0 responses
code, qr
Instagram for coders
Yuri Artemev
0 responses
code, fun
Gonçalo Morais
1 response
code, design, fuck, fuckyourdesign
Simple web server monitor in Go
pedro mg
0 responses
code, software, monitor, golang
Find code quickly in Sublime Text
Todd Wolfson
0 responses
sublime, find, code
Offline Code Compression -- SublimeText2 with Reg Replace Plugin
Po Chen
0 responses
css, sublime text, code, st2
Bootstrap 3.0. Upgrader TWBS 2.3.* => 3.0. online free service
0 responses
html, code, bootstrap, update
Two Missing Numbers question....
0 responses
array, java, coding interview, c++
[Rubocop] Missing frozen string literal comment automatically fix
Luciano Sousa
0 responses
ruby, rubocop, code, style
Cascading Style Scheet
1 response
code, css3, reset, reset codes