Popular Bug Programming Tips
Play Framework 2 error: "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
Junior Ales
8 responses
osx, bug, play, java
Reset iOS Safari's emulated hover state
Joel Birch
2 responses
ios, bug, safari, touch
Mac OS X 10.8.4 root process kernel_task consume 300% of CPU time
Kirill Chernyshov
0 responses
bug, macos, kernel_task
error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi'.
0 responses
bash, zsh, git, osx
Disable the annoying suspend feature for a virtual machine in VMware Fusion
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
vmware, fusion, suspend, anti-feature
Ruby and Default Arguments
John Amicangelo
0 responses
ruby, rails, bug, define_method
IE bug when changing href with JavaScript
Mateusz Gachowski
1 response
html, ie, bug, a
Rails Session Store domain: :all bug
Luca Guidi
0 responses
ruby, patch, rails, session
Dealing with iOS 6 killing setTimeouts while dragging or scrolling in Safari
Frank Wambutt
0 responses
ios, apple, bug, safari
Fix terminal rows, columns, and type when using old versions of kubectl exec
James Cuzella
0 responses
kubernetes, docker, tty, bash
CSS3 filter and issues on retina displays
Lucia Moreno
0 responses
mobile, css3, bug, webkit
Position:fixed on chrome
0 responses
css, chrome, css3, bug
Bash Shell, "Shellshock", Security Bug Fix (Ubuntu, CentOS).
Akapo Damilola Francis
4 responses
unix, fedora, bug, centos
Mac OSX 10.7.5. and libssh Error : Server specified invalid channel 43 44 45 ...
0 responses
osx, mac, ssh, bug
iOS 5.1 bug with WebView
Rohit Kotian
0 responses
objective c, iphone, bug, webview
Background-attachment:fixed; bug in Chrome
0 responses
css, chrome, bug
Remove Reappearing AIM Group Chats from Pidgin IM
Nathan Smetana
0 responses
bug, pidgin, im, annoying
Simple bug reporting with Shakedown
Max Goedjen
0 responses
ios, iphone, bug, reporting
Firefox ::selection text-shadow bug
Chris Nager
0 responses
css, firefox, css3, bug
Mount directory via SSH
Morgane Tisserant
0 responses
ssh, bug, mount, sshfs
Mcrypt not found Ubuntu
Hakan ERSU
1 response
php, bug, fix, mcrypt
Drupal admin user id 1 login issues
Nathan Smetana
0 responses
drupal, bug, cookies, annoying
Rails 4's `.select` and `.select!` object masked as a typical Array
Justin Smestad
0 responses
ruby, activerecord, bug, array
How to fix Mamp server bug
Thibaud B.
0 responses
osx, cli, mamp, bug
Chrome ImageReplacementBug
Rafael Nascimento Sampaio
0 responses
css, bug, google chrome
Recent Activity
Disable the annoying suspend feature for a virtual machine in VMware Fusion
Philipp Haußleiter
vmware, fusion, suspend, anti-feature
Fix terminal rows, columns, and type when using old versions of kubectl exec
James Cuzella
kubernetes, docker, tty, bash
Background-attachment:fixed; bug in Chrome
css, chrome, bug
Bash Shell, "Shellshock", Security Bug Fix (Ubuntu, CentOS).
Akapo Damilola Francis
unix, fedora, bug, centos
Record XHR and JavaScript Errors on the client side
Gregor Dorfbauer
tool, bug, xhr, error
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