Play Framework 2 error: "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
Then there was me fiddling with play framework... and in the first time I ran the sample application a beautiful stack trace with this exception poped up:
Caused by: [HOSTNAME_NAME]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
After some research I found out that the issue is a bug in JDK 7 for OSX. It seems it doesn't recognize your hostname as localhost, so the workaround is pretty easy:
Add in your hosts file your hostname pointing to
$ sudo echo " [YOUR_HOSTNAME]" >> /etc/hosts
Important: do not delete your " localhost" entry in /etc/hosts
because it's used to configure the loopback interface when the system is booting
Written by Junior Ales
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8 Responses
Cool! thanks man!

The correct command should be:
$ echo " $HOSTNAME" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Thanks, It was very helpful for me.

Thank you, It helped me :)

Many thanks for sharing this critical solution!

Thank you so much. It is nice to have this be such a highly published result on google.

Thank you!

Thanks! It works!