Popular Bash Programming Tips
Show 10 biggest directories on linux terminal
Jonas Köritz
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bash, linux, directories, size
Multiple Skype instances
Bruno Gama
0 responses
shell, script, osx, skype
Remove unstaged code in git
Oskar Hane
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shell, bash, git
Alias to strip comments from a file
Valcho Nedelchev
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shell, bash, alias, sh
Find file by name
Suzanne Aldrich
0 responses
pull updates for all repositories in one folder
Philipp Haußleiter
1 response
bash, git, pull
Apply command to a previous command in BASH
Mohammed Attia
0 responses
linux, ubuntu, bash
List of file and directory
0 responses
shell, bash
I give up
Joel Pettersson
0 responses
indifferent source code access
Jonathan Freedman
0 responses
shell, lazy, bash
easy CHANGELOG.md maker
Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
0 responses
bash, git
check status of port
Ruurd Pels
0 responses
open, port, bash, closed
Sane PATH building while reloading .profile
Jonathan Freedman
0 responses
shell, dotfiles, bash
Bash faster `reset`
Dylan Grafmyre
0 responses
reset, clear, bash, cls
BASH - generate password randomly in CLI
0 responses
bash, cli, password
Get the count of open FDs per process
Ivan Dilber
0 responses
linux, bash
Bash function to translate redis commands to their pipelined equivalent
Ruiwen Chua
0 responses
bash, redis, redis pipeline
interrupt yourself when you start procrastinating due to long builds
0 responses
make, productivity, bash
Auto Git Deployment
Purwa Astawa
0 responses
bash, git, linux, ssh
Word based count on a piece of text
Bharath ツ
0 responses
bash, text processing, word count
Some useful utilities
Zhang Tai
0 responses
bash, unix
How much memory is chrome using
Rafael Gumieri
0 responses
bash, linux
Touch all modified files in your working directory, forcing files watched with ie Guard to run tests
Griffin Smith
0 responses
shell, git, unit tests, bash
Reusing previous command argument in new command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, zsh, bash