Android Development Tips
A collection of protips every android developer should know.
Android Development on Chrome OS
1 response
cordova, nodejs, android, chrome os
strategy to deal with css bugs in android webview
Florin Cosmin
0 responses
css, webview, javascript, android
Android Theme Without ActionBar
Rafael Oliveira
3 responses
android, actionbar
Quick and Dirty Loading Row in Android ListView
John Moses
0 responses
android, loading, listview, spinner icon
use simple list view in android
Caesar Chi
0 responses
java, listview, android
Speed up Eclipse boot
Juan Jose Alonso
3 responses
android, ide, eclipse, java
asound.h:334:2: error: 'u_int32_t' does not name a type
Anders Brownworth
6 responses
android, jelly bean, aosp
Simple share menu item
0 responses
menu, actionbarsherlock, share, shareintent
Emulating Mobile Devices in Chrome
Rahul Trikha
3 responses
chrome, android, mobile, iphone
Easy Screen Scaling on LibGdx
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
game, game development, java, libgdx
Authenticating Android clients with Devise and Google Apps
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
ruby, rails, android, java
Making ListView Scrolling Smooth
Alexandre Gherschon
0 responses
android, dev
Building Android applications using Android Annotations
Sapan Diwakar
0 responses
howto, tutorial, fragment, activity
Mocking web server requests in Android
Michal Cwiklinski
0 responses
unit testing, mock, android
Check if an APK is from Google Play
Javi Pacheco
3 responses
android, google play, java, apk
Parse - What is it?
Javier Silva
0 responses
parse, cloud, push notification, social network connection
Phonegap and Android Stock Browser
Marco da Silva
4 responses
chrome, webkit, cordova, phonegap A new mobile SDK for Magento
Javier Toledo
1 response
android, magento, ecommerce, mcommerce
The Perfect Brew
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
open source, linux, mac, coffee
Wireless ADB connection to Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
0 responses
adb, wireless, android, glass
Android Event Loop Pattern
Alex Egg
0 responses
programming, design, patterns, android
Android Lifecycle for two activities
Andrew Ma
0 responses
android, activity lifecycle
How to distinguish drawable folders for 480x800 and 540x960 screen resolutions?
Ketan Parmar
0 responses
layout, hdpi, qhd, resolution
Android: Action Mode with Action Bar Sherlock
Adnaan Badr
0 responses
android, action mode, action bar sherlock