Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· javiersp1209

Parse - What is it?

Parse is a great option for mobile developers who want to concentrait their efforts in designing and creating their mobile applications it self and forget a little bit about the complex infrastructure their apps could need, like data storage, push notifications or social network connections.

Parse have different native versions of its SDK for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8 and JavaScript, so developers could include all its power in their native applications in the blink of an eye.

As i've mention before Parse has 4 different products (or services):

  • Parse Data: Store your app data in the cloud.
  • Parse Cloud: Run custom app code in the cloud.
  • Parse Push: Creating, scheduling, and segmenting push notifications for your apps.
  • Parse Social: Make your app social, in just a minute

Each of them has a bunch of examples and guides for developers in order to start ride away adding the desired functions to our apps.

This all sounds great no??, No more painful data base server management, no more complicated push notifications services, goodbye to the tree or four SDKs for the different social networks and of course no more highly cost servers for some code lines. But if you are (like me) a freelance developer, or a small company im sure you are wondering... how much does Parse cost?? Can i afford it?? If so! I've great news for you, Parse has a pricing scale model in which you pay only for what you need, more over if your apps are just starting or in development... Parse ITS FREE!.

More specific Parse has 3 Plan:

  • Basic: Great for developers to get started, includes: 1 million/month Requests, 1 million/month Pushes, 1 Gb Files; And the best of all... Cost: FREE
  • Pro: For production applications, includes: 15 million/month Requests, 5 million/month Pushes, 10 Gb Files; Cost: *$199 * per month (Includes a 30-day free trial)
  • Enterprise: The most advanced features at a custom annual price, for this plan you should contact parse and ask for it

As you can see Parse is a great tool for almost every mobile developer and has lots of information and docs to cover all in just one pro tip, so thats all for now in my next pro tips i will talk about of every one of the Parse products in more detail and give some code examples (yes finally some code) so you can start using this amazing tool!

I hope my first pro tip was useful to you and please if you have some comments on how i can improve it let me know!!

PD: Sorry for my writing, English its not my first language but im struggling to get it better!