Popular Web Programming Tips
HTML 'hidden' attribute
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
css, web, html
using inline css with LESS
Mariz Melo
0 responses
css, less
HTML snippets for Bootstrap
Maks Surguy
0 responses
html, bootstrap, twitter bootstrap, snippets
Calling Google Maps with Javascript and CSS
Max Brockman
0 responses
css, blog, css3, js
Inset Text Shadow
Christopher Erk
0 responses
css, css3, text-shadow, inset
:before and :after for IE7
Netzach IO
2 responses
css, hack, css3, ie7
Styling ordered list numbers
Oli Lisher
0 responses
css, code for designers
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; breaks z-indexes
Gavyn McKenzie
0 responses
css, ipad, iphone, z-index
Drupal 7: add a body class for taxonomy vocabulary machine names
Bala Clark
1 response
php, css, drupal
Text with photo mosaic background CSS JS
Dustin Smith
0 responses
css, js, css3, mosaic
Fix images on Retina Display
Amay Shah
0 responses
html, css3, webkit, retina
Unwanted bold-ish weight on MacOS Webkit typefaces
Ricardo Magalhães
1 response
css, chrome, css3, webkit
Hide blue glow on Firefox pinned tabs
Tim Morgan
1 response
css, firefox, userchrome.css
Serving Fonts using Rackspace cloud files
Piermaria Cosina
0 responses
cdn, content-type, design, fonts
Bootstrap Carousels
Carol Skelly
1 response
css, bootstrap, front-end, carousel
Compass Sprites Within Media Queries
Dustin Fadler
0 responses
css, sass, sprites, compass
Writing smart LTR/RTL CSS with SASS
Rotem Horovitz
0 responses
css, rtl, sass, ltr
Simple Sass Mixin for descending z-index
Tyler Howarth
0 responses
css, sass, scss, design
CSS3 Buttons
Terry Frederick June
1 response
css, html, buttons
Simple pendulum effect using CSS3 animations.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
0 responses
css3, animations, html
Quickly minify sass files
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
css, sass, preprocessor, minify
CSS comment toggle trick
James Creixems
0 responses
css, comments
CSS3 Please Less Mixins
Greg Babula
0 responses
css3, mixins, less
Responsive typography made easy
Kenny Brijs
6 responses
typography, responsive, css3, media queries