Popular Web Programming Tips
pyScss: A native-Python compiler for SASS's SCSS syntax
Stephan Sokolow
3 responses
python, css, django, sass
Make :hover & :active work in mobile webkit
Mark Ford
0 responses
css, mobile, ipad, iphone
concat variables in Less
David Morrow
0 responses
css, less
Basic plugin-free parallax scrolling
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
css, css3, jquery, html5
Easy copy/paste of ASCII characters
Claire Armstrong
0 responses
markup, html
Why you should start using Haml's ugly mode in development today
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
css, rails, haml, html
Site search form with DuckDuckGo
Janos Gyerik
0 responses
css, html, bootstrap3
Template for Open Graph Headers
Jeremy Morgan
0 responses
opengraph, seo, html, htm
Easy nth-child fallback with iteration
Cory Simmons
3 responses
php, css, iteration, nth-child
Front-end web development tricks in Vim: Uncompress HTML
Rob Jens
3 responses
regex, vim, tags, css3
Add CSS 3D Transform Test for Modernizr
Alexander Kneller
4 responses
css, css3, modernizr, javascript
gulp: Get a list of CSS file names as @imports
0 responses
css, nodejs, gulp
OwlCarousel2 fix when resizing the carousel or browser
Sasikumar Rajendran
0 responses
jquery, css, owlcarousel
Hover and Focus for no-touch, Active for Touch
J. Hogue
0 responses
css, sass, modernizr, touch-screen
How to log JavaScript element representations in the console
Thomas Lindstrøm
0 responses
html, console, dom, inspect
Use pseudo elements for hover indicator arrows
Jeff Scott Ward
3 responses
css, tricks, css shapes, triangle
Sass Media Queries Mixins
Rafal Bromirski
1 response
responsive design, css3, scss, mixin
tidied HTML in vi/vim
Jason Rogers
2 responses
vim, tidy, html
Isometric text with CSS3
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
css, css3, html
CSS: long word, small space
Lucia Moreno
3 responses
css, html, tip, text
pseudo-element tooltip + transition
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, pseudo-element, tooltip
Spell - Peter Norvig's Spell Checker for JavaScript
Nuno Job
0 responses
browser, js, spell, dictionary
Run JavaScript code directly from Sublime
Sindre Sorhus
0 responses
sublime, browser, code, javascript
document.location.pathname not the same in all browsers
Lars Jung
0 responses
browser, url, pathname, location