Popular Web Programming Tips
Weird text anti-aliasing during a CSS3 transition on WebKit browser?
Daniel Ogden
0 responses
chrome, webkit, safari, transition
Detect touch events on all major mobile platforms
Matt Stow
0 responses
css, mobile, modernizr, touch
Sharing HTML Fragment Caches Between Users With CSS
Matthew Spence
0 responses
ruby, css, rails, performance
Hide IE10's "Clear Input" Button
Tim G. Thomas
0 responses
css, forms, html, ie10
HTML5 Data Toggle Buttons [FORM]
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
jquery, form, button, html5
Recursion in a JSP
1 response
html, java, jsp, el
Paullo Norato
2 responses
css, css reset
Best semantic markup for a Blockquote
J. Hogue
0 responses
semantics, html5, html, pe1999
CSS only rising smoke animation
Andrea Verlicchi
0 responses
css, animation, css animation, css only
Why sass (scss) is better than less
Victor Zamfir
9 responses
css, scss, compass, less
Jeet Framework
Cory Simmons
2 responses
css, responsive, stylus, grid
Creating a zoomable website with em units
Javier Toledo
6 responses
css, html, zoom, jquery
Create your own blazing fast mock server with just a JSON file!
Azizul Haq Ananto
0 responses
mocker, web, webdev, server
CSS responsive square (height: width;)
Netzach IO
1 response
css, responsive, hack, square
CSS Target Event
Elad Shechter
0 responses
css, css3, web design, javascript
How to battle Shellshock and update Bash on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)
Tim Fernihough
2 responses
web, command line, unix
Advanced Checkbox Hack
Tim Pietrusky
1 response
css, html, checkbox hack
h5ai - a modern HTTP web server index
Lars Jung
0 responses
php, httpd, apache, nginx
Add css class to wordpress thumbnails
Stanley Ojadovwa
0 responses
css, thumbnails, wordpress
CSS-based tree node lines
Jeremy McLeod
1 response
css, javascript, jquery
A very simple CSS grid with stylus
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
3 responses
css, nodejs, css3, stylus
Django Allauth quick setup
Mayur Rokade
0 responses
python, web, django, auth
fit image in a smaller div without stretching it
ali mousavi
4 responses
css, musyo, css tricks, html
CSS Media queries for different devices
3 responses
css, responsive, mobile devices