Popular Web Programming Tips
Cancel Button on a form with Required fields
Sunny Walker
1 response
html5, html
Lies, lies, and Android's stock browser
Yury Tilis
1 response
css, android, mobile, css3
New(?) way to center elements verticaly.
Kasper Mikiewicz
16 responses
css, vertical align, center
Fallback SVG to PNG in img element
Thomas Bekaert
4 responses
images, svg, modernizr, javascript
Running Mocha tests without a browser (not even PhantomJS)
0 responses
test, browser, mocha, nodejs
Base64 encoding of image files (using Terminal in OS X)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
css, png, image, base64
Clearfix CSS from Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate
Ignacio Soriano Cano
0 responses
css, clearfix, html5 boilerplate
Parse XML into associative array (with CDATA-Support)
Robin von den Bergen
0 responses
php, json, xml, html
Make word-wrap: break-word work in responsive layouts
Peter Peterson
3 responses
css, html, responsive layout
AutoPlay HLS videos
0 responses
hls, video, html5, ios
Order Select Options Alphabetically
Alberto Velandia
0 responses
html, javascript, jquery
Hide Navigation for Bootstrap Carousel
Nishant Modak
0 responses
css, bootstrap, carousel
The fixed positioned element scrolling hack. I.e. for Bootstrap modals and the likes.
Antony S Fernandez
1 response
css, hacks, positioning
How to not trigger browser repaint when opacity changes
Marcus Zanona
3 responses
css, performance, browser, css3
The Best Place to Run PHP/MySQL, HTML/CSS and JavaScript Code Online - PhpFiddle
Marco Trulla
0 responses
php, css, js, coding
إزالة التشكيل من النص
أشرف صبري
0 responses
html, javascript
Build yourself a screensaver: a webdeveloper way
Pavel Pravosud
2 responses
css, html, osx, screensaver
Using SASS source maps with Chrome
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
css, chrome, sass
Tiny-Swiper - 2kb gzipped library alternative to SwiperJS with the same modern API.
4 responses
javascript, html, html5, slider
Implementing Glyph Icons with Angular
Kali Kiger
0 responses
css, icons, angular
How to list all available fonts in XCode by family name
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
xcode, fonts, ios, objective-c
PX to EM Conversion in Sass/Compass
Roy Barber
3 responses
responsive, sass, compass, css
Auto-refresh your browser when updating a sass file
0 responses
ruby, css, html, guard