The fixed positioned element scrolling hack. I.e. for Bootstrap modals and the likes.
CSS-hack for i.e. Modals, Lightboxes or fixed slide-down menus that overflows screen-size and are not scrollable due to fixed position and a bullying body-element.
Add the '.noscroll' to body dynamically through Javascript and you are good to go. This example shows the solution for the Bootstrap modal-component - converting it to a full size element
This can be used with any fixed element you'll like to make scrollable (i.e. large menus in small devices) :
# Javascript
$('modal').on('show', function() { $('body').addClass('noscroll') })
$('modal').on('hide', function() { $('body').removeClass('noscroll') })
body.noscroll { overflow: hidden; }
.modal {
position: absolute;
/* You can, of course, tweak this to position your element */
top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
overflow-y: scroll;
Solution 2
You can also call the following script and prevent scrolling on touch devices except on dom-elements with the ".scrollable" class.
# Javascript
$('body').on 'touchmove', (e) ->
e.preventDefault() unless $('.scrollable').has($(
Written by Antony S Fernandez
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1 Response

Setting both top and bottom or both left and right as a pixel values is not W3C compliant and not supported by Firefox.
over 1 year ago
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