Newest Vim Programming Tips
Open files on stdout in Vim
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell, vim, command line, unix
Using jshint with vim
Farid Nouri Neshat
0 responses
vim, jshint, grunt, quickfix
Quickly and efficiently escape insert mode
Sean Todd
2 responses
vim, escape, efficiency, insert mode
bash alias to get latest/most recent file
Ryan Regalado
2 responses
aliases, alias, osx, vim
Vim: Count matched lines without changes
0 responses
vim, search
Pretty indent in Vim
Suleyman Melikoglu
0 responses
vim, indentation
Faster ESC in vim
1 response
vim, touchtyping
Find recursively and sort by last modified
Ivan Zarea
0 responses
shell, vim, tip, bash
Recognizing cucumber in vim
Fabrizio Soppelsa
1 response
vim, cucumber
Edit the command line with Vi commands
James Leonis
0 responses
terminal, vim, awesome
Vim: Automatically split windows at 79 columns
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, vim
Map :W to :w in vim
Alexander Greim
5 responses
viml, vim
VIM Copy/Paste
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
3 responses
vim, xclip, ubuntu