Popular Unicorn Programming Tips
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
34 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
1600% faster app requests with Rails on Heroku
7 responses
rails, heroku, unicorn, eventmachine
Free background jobs on heroku
17 responses
rails, heroku, unicorn, resque
Set up your own Rails server in minutes with these recipes
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, unicorn
Improved concurrency for Heroku Dynos
Phil Cohen
1 response
ruby, heroku, thin, unicorn
Nginx, Unicorn and multiple Rails apps
0 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, multiple apps
Setup dev env in vagrant w/ rvm pg rails nginx unicorn
James Dullaghan
0 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, vagrant
Deploying Rack apps on Ubuntu
Tore Darell
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ruby, rails, unicorn, rack
Unicorn + Nginx setup with SSL
Carlos Andres Herrera
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rails, nginx, unicorn, ssl
Debian-like init.d script for Unicorn
Bruno Coimbra
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shell, rails, unicorn, init.d
Zero-Downtime Deployments /w Unicorn, Supervisord
Raphael Randschau
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leahpar, unicorn, supervisor, zero-downtime
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, permissions, nginx, unicorn
Monit Conf for Various Services
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mysql, nginx, postgres, unicorn
Increase the limits of unicorn connections
Fabrizio Regini
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linux, nginx, unicorn
Show IPv4 sockets open by your processes matching a regex
Marcello Barnaba
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shell, unix, unicorn, ps
Jekyll + Heroku + Unicorn
Jonas Brusman
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heroku, unicorn, free, jekyll
Nginx Proxy with Unicorn
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nginx, unicorn
How to run Ruby GC after a memory expensive request with Unicorn
Estevão Mascarenhas
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ruby, performance, unicorn, gc
How to make ey-local works with Mysql and Unicorn
Pierre Ozoux
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mysql, engineyard, unicorn, opensource
Running Clockwork as a unicorn process to avoid one extra dyno
Josh Teng
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unicorn, process, server
Get 4x the performance out of Heroku with Unicorn
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heroku, unicorn, optimization, performance boost
Prevent unicorn from Breaking the Debug Mode
Bui The Hoa
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debugging, unicorn, rails
Runit: up and running
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unicorn, resque, monitoring, capistrano
More concurrency on a single Heroku dyno with the new Celadon Cedar stack
Endel Dreyer
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ruby, heroku, unicorn
Unicorn with Vagrant
Evan Machnic
0 responses
ruby, rails, unicorn, vagrant
Displaying all 25 tips