Newest Testing Programming Tips
Run Capybara-Webkit tests in Travis-CI
Adam Becker
5 responses
rails, testing, travis-ci, rspec
Custom settings when testing Django app
Vladimir Prudnikov
0 responses
python, django, unittest, testing
Internet Explorer testing with VirtualBox
Joakim Olander
8 responses
joakwest, web, browser, testing
Test your cookbooks with Chef 11 and Vagrant
Sean Kilgore
1 response
testing, vagrant, chef, opscode
Automate localization testing in Xcode
Adam Yanalunas
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tdd, xcode, testing, bdd
Going further with Angular E2E tests: extending the Scenario DSL
Oliver Tupman
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angularjs, testing, javascript, lungojs
Travis CI - "Don't know how to build task 'default'"
Tom Milewski
2 responses
ruby, testing, travis ci, spec
SimpleCov: prevent coverage drop
Hannes Georg
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ruby, tdd, testing
Codeception: BDD-style PHP testing
Dmitry Belaventsev
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php, testing, bdd
Code coverage with Testacular and Jasmine
Martin Naumann
7 responses
testing, coverage, javascript, martin-n
so test me, maybe?
MJ Rossetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, terminal, cucumber
Fast Rails tests /w TestUnit and Commands
Raphael Randschau
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rails, leahpar, testing, testunit
Test as "other user"
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testing, bubble, incognito
Test in IE
Cathy Wise
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ie, web development, testing, ie7
Speeding up cucumber
Paul Elliott
3 responses
rails, cucumber, testing
Think Big, Build Small
Jasdeep Jaitla
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testing, build, tracking, steps
Testing your FactoryGirl factories
David Rhys White
1 response
ruby, testing, factorygirl
Cross Browser Javascript Testing Platform
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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javascript, browser, testing, cross-browser
Rails UploadedFile testing
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ruby, rails, testing
Configure test frameworks and fixture replacements in rails
Jens Grassel
0 responses
rails, configuration, testing, rspec
Testing jQuery Plugins Cross-Version with Grunt
Mark Dalgleish
0 responses
jquery, testing, plugin, qunit
For lazy unit testers - running phpunit in a loop
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, testing, phpunit
Testing Ubuntu with TestDrive
John Stevenson
0 responses
linux, ubuntu, testing
ultimate cross-browser testing
Ryan Burke
1 response
testing, cross-browser, compatibility, browser support