Popular Shell Programming Tips
Quickly create large binary files for testing
Mike Hourahine
0 responses
shell, macosx, unix, bash
The importance of a good shell interface
Nicholas Jordon
11 responses
shell, linux, mac, protip
WTF did I do?!
Jens Nilsson
8 responses
shell, os x, tool, helpful
Split (vertical/horizontal) for terminal windows
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, osx, unix, tmux
imagesnap git post-commit photo rewrite
Damon Davison
5 responses
shell, git
Bash Include Guard
Matthew Tardiff
1 response
shell, bash, include guard
ImageMagick - bloat = GraphicsMagick
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
shell, batch, fast, image
Remove whitespace on edges from images
Karsten Silkenbäumer
0 responses
shell, imagemagick
LXC - lightweight virtual machines
Miguel Ángel Fernández
0 responses
shell, linux, virtual machine, ubuntu
Basic script template for every bash script
0 responses
shell, bash
gist script from command line
1 response
shell, console, gist, git
Append to Lua's search paths from the command line
Harley Laue
0 responses
shell, lua, path, lua_path
Pipes and streams in Linux
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
bash, linux, command line, shell
A couple of things I wish I knew earlier with linux
David Porter
6 responses
shell, linux, bash
Generate random ASCII from the shell
Jonathan Castello
3 responses
ruby, shell, passwords
Tmux Basics
shiva kumar
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, tmux
Use your aliases with sudo
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
shell, aliases, sudo, bashrc
Russian Roulette SysAdmin Style
Chris Seymour
0 responses
shell, bash
Tmux : Named sessions with autocomplete
0 responses
shell, zsh, tmux, screen
Move back to the last visited directory
Paolo Di Tommaso
9 responses
shell, linux
Ag - like Ack just faster
Hannes Georg
0 responses
shell, grep, tools, ack
Reload current browser tab from the terminal
Jason Hickner
0 responses
shell, chrome, osx
Use the Acme Edit command to search and replace across many buffers
Jason Catena
0 responses
shell, undo, regular expression, search
zsh: command not found while executing shell commands in vim
Silas Sao
1 response
shell, zsh, vim, mac
Convert fonts from the command line
Jon Lunsford
0 responses
ruby, shell, cli, commandline