Popular Shell Programming Tips
Using ansicon to colorize cat with pygmentize for git bash on Windows 7
Jupiter St John
0 responses
shell, curl, unicode, windows 7
The "new" npm list --depth=0
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
shell, workflow, dotfiles, javascript
Managing RAM and SWAP
Daniel Romero
0 responses
shell, server, hacking, kernel
Log Memory Usage per second or minute on Linux
Samuel Lampa
3 responses
shell, linux
Speed up your zsh completions
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
shell, zsh, performance
WIP+git+oh-my-zsh: improve your branch switching
Chaisse-Leal Maxime
2 responses
shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh, git
Command-line AirPlay video client for AppleTV
Tomohiro TAIRA
3 responses
ruby, shell, rubygems, osx
Getting fish, rbenv & homebrew playing nice together
Rahul Trikha
4 responses
shell, fish, homebrew, rbenv
Node.js: dependency-free image processing with ImageMagick
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
coffeescript, shell, nodejs, web
ZSH prompt: exit status of last command
Florian Störkle
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal
cp with progress bar
Rafał Malinowski
10 responses
shell, terminal, bash
Debugging Xcode Plugins
Delisa Mason
3 responses
shell, cocoa, xcode, osx
Add/remove user from groups in unix
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, linux, unix
parallel execute calabash-android tests
12 responses
shell, android, test, calabash-android
#Cygwin "Bash Prompt Here" in Windows Explorer Context Menu
0 responses
shell, package, bash, windows
Battery status in tmux status bar
Sean Copenhaver
0 responses
shell, tmux
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Converting Repositories From Git to Mercurial
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git, mercurial
Install ncdu on Amazon Linux
0 responses
shell, linux, disk, ncdu
Open folder in iTerm
2 responses
shell, osx, iterm, automator
zsh vi-mode: no delay entering normal mode
Endel Dreyer
4 responses
shell, zsh, vim
tail file to Sublime Text
Tymon Tobolski
0 responses
shell, sublime, log
Switch to your favorite shell in Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
4 responses
shell, zsh, vagrant
Sending files over network with 'netcat'
Osvaldo Zonetti
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
Using getopts in bash functions
Dennis Cornwell
0 responses
shell, functions, bash, getopts