Popular Shell Programming Tips
Tar & untar on OSX & Linux with Progress bars
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, osx, linux
Take a screenshot from commandline
Juanje Ojeda
7 responses
shell, cli, ssh, imagemagick
Sort Lines of Text in Any OSX Application
Jeff Remer
4 responses
shell, terminal, xcode, osx
Ruby pbcopy and pbpaste
Simone Carletti
1 response
shell, clipboard, irb, pbcopy
Upgrade bash on your mac os !
Rafał Malinowski
2 responses
shell, osx, macos, bash
How to split flac files by cue and convert to alac on Mac OS X
Кирилл Сумороков
2 responses
shell, mac os x, alac, flac
command line magic examples with grep / cut / awk / sort
Ralph Meier
0 responses
shell, sed, grep, find
install ssh-copy-id on Mac OS X
Max Prokopiev
1 response
shell, ssh, mac os x, install
Update your vim pathogen plugins.
Jens Grassel
9 responses
shell, vim, git, pathogen
rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
1 response
ruby, shell, zsh, mac
Copy selection to clipboard in Terminator
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
0 responses
shell, terminator
Shortcuts that save time
Seva Rybakov
26 responses
shell, osx
Avoid robocopy infinite loop with /XJ
Nelson Antunes
1 response
shell, backup, robocopy, windows
Export an SVN repo to a web directory using the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
shell, svn, subversion, command-line
Launch Sublime Text 2 from a terminal in Mac OS
Matt Munday
5 responses
shell, terminal, editor, sublime text 2
Don't sudo npm
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
6 responses
shell, open source, linux, os x
Allow user to execute one command as root (no sudo)
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
ZSH autoloading functions I
Rob Jentzema
1 response
shell, zsh, functions, autoload
ZSH: Display commands runtime in prompt
2 responses
shell, zsh, time, bash
log navigation with `less`
Lisa Hagemann
1 response
shell, less, log navigation
creating a self-extracting-archive installer script
Gino Lucero
2 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
Get first column data from CSV file with awk
Jose Miguel
0 responses
shell, commandline, awk, csv
iterm2 autocomplete
Huy Nguyen
2 responses
shell, autocomplete, iterm2