Newest Rspec Programming Tips
The How's, Why's and Why Not's of Test-driven Development
Marko Klemetti
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tdd, rspec, unit testing
Interested in High-Speed Development?
Marko Klemetti
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sublime, testing, rspec, high-speed development
Multilingual Capybara Specs
Mikael Henriksson
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rails, i18n, rspec, capybara
Given, When, Then in Rspec
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convention, rspec
Validates field uniqueness with state_machine and factory_girl
Cédric Néhémie
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ruby, rails, factory_girl, rspec
Use ruby debugger when debugging RSpecs
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ruby, debugging, rails, rspec
Share RSpec examples that make multiple requests
Martin Naumann
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ruby, rails, dry, martin-n
Using ActionView helpers from a spec
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, rspec
Running specifing specs with rspec 1.x
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, rspec
Run RSpec examples from Vim
Luca Guidi
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ruby, vim, bdd, rspec
Rspec: what context and describe are for
Steven Shingler
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ruby, rspec
Tweak that RSpec error message
David Leal
1 response
ruby, error messages, rspec
Use a rake task to describe your Test::Unit tests
Jeremy Baker
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Calculating truth table possibilities for testing in Ruby
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ruby, testing, rspec
Write better specs...
Bryan Rehbein
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Webmock for your browser
Olly Smith
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ruby, test, browser, proxy
describe vs context in rspec
Norberto Oliveira Junior
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tdd, rspec, bdd, tests
Testing your AR models made easy with accepts_values_for
Oscar Rieken
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activerecord, testing, rspec
Simplify specs with matchers and methods
Oto Brglez
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ruby, rspec
Run sorted test
Jorge García
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rails, test, rspec
Run your Rails tests from vim to spin
Maximiliano Dello Russo
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tdd, rails, vim, rspec
RSpec Rails helper for cleaning ElasticSearch index
Oto Brglez
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ruby, elasticsearch, rspec
Learning Ruby? do it while learning TDD!
Cesar Palafox
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ruby, tdd, rails, cucumber
Turnip Helper, Part 2
Ryland Herrick
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ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip