Studying Information Systems at UTFPR and Ruby Developer @_nohup
Joined June 2012
My workspace
Norberto Oliveira Junior
0 responses
workspace, home office
Getting Started with Android
Norberto Oliveira Junior
0 responses
android, mobile, tutorial, trainning
describe vs context in rspec
Norberto Oliveira Junior
0 responses
tdd, rspec, bdd, tests
Pow: Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X
Norberto Oliveira Junior
0 responses
rack server, app
112 Karma
4,477 Total ProTip Views
Komodo Dragon
Have at least one original repo where Java is the dominant language
Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need
Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language