Popular Re St Programming Tips
Sails.js - REST API in few keystrokes*
Gregor Elke
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mvc, nodejs, rest, javascript
Retrieving POST data from Backbone.js in PHP
Marlon Landaverde
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php, http, rest, api
Do and donts on REST
Juan Carlos Cancela
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rest, resource, uri
Non-PK data for URLs in tastypie
eranga bandara
2 responses
django, rest, filtering
Fixing CORS errors (Access-Control-Allow-Origin)
Oto Brglez
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rest, api, html5, html
RESTrung Restful Client for Android
Raúl Raja
0 responses
rest, library, ws, java
Asynchronous Ruby calculator with Goliath and Grape
Oto Brglez
0 responses
ruby, rest, api
Debug RESTful clients with echo.httpkit.com
Stanislaw Pusep
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debug, http, rest
Custom Media Type renderer for DjangoRestFramework
#5 Robsta
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django, rest, djangorestframework, restframework
Need to Create A New API Key For An App?
0 responses
php, dreamfactory, api, api keys
Mock your HTTP responses to test your REST API
Jellali Tarek
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http, rest, json, web services
JAX-RS returns Object.toString() instead of JSON
Jack Snow
0 responses
rest, json, java ee, jax-rs
Vatican.js - REST API microframework for node.js
Fernando Doglio
0 responses
nodejs, rest, api, framework
basil : a proxy middleware
David Corticchiato
1 response
mobile, proxy, rest, mock
RESTful API framework
Bassem Dy
1 response
php, rest, api, framework
rest vs next - Clojure
Felipe Elias Philipp
0 responses
clojure, rest, loop, next
REST APIs with Node.js and Compound
Frank Rousseau
2 responses
nodejs, rest, api
Express router chaining, REST API user adding, nodejs
Dénes Pál
0 responses
generators, rest, js, api
SignalR Calls
Alexey Rodiontsev
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.net, rest, signalr
Simple CLI json query tool
Sёmka Novikov
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ruby, rest, json
Simple and correct RESTful routing in RoR
1 response
ruby, rails, rest, ror
Dennis Hotson
0 responses
http, rest, curl
Python : container destructuration pattern snippet
1 response
python, rest, functional programming, destructuration
Better REST API documentation with Swagger
Dmitry Belaventsev
0 responses
documentation, rest, api