Popular Rails Programming Tips
Fork is not a heroku command
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heroku, ruby, ruby on rails, fork
Rails+ Mysql Setup
Ivan Verkalets
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rails, tutorial, mysql
London Scala Hackathon powered by Heroku
John Stevenson
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scala, heroku, play, github
Never use ActiveRecord's last
Peter Boling
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rails, activerecord, last, explosions
Bundle install inside emacs
Arthur Nogueira Neves
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ruby, rails, emacs
Rails Quick Tips - Pluck Multiple Columns
Matt Polito
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ruby, rails
Dump a Mongolab Heroku DB
Raúl Raja
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heroku, mongodb, bash, mongolab
[killer tips]Search code in all bundled gems
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bundler, rails, grep, search
Rails and Javascript Localization
Patricio Bruna
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rails, javascript
Run a Process as a Daemon
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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shell, rails, tips, command
Update all PostgreSQL pkey sequences in Rails
Shane Trotter
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ruby, rails, database, postgresql
Validates field uniqueness with state_machine and factory_girl
Cédric Néhémie
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ruby, rails, factory_girl, rspec
Use RuboCop to check Ruby code style
Bozhidar Batsov
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ruby, rails
Helper for page titles and descriptions
Kyle Meyer
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ruby, rails, helper
Create account and stack on heroku best pratices
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heroku, account
Resque perform immediately in development and test env
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, resque
Allow heroku to interact with private repos
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heroku, deploy, golang, private
Set Meta Data for Public Paperclip Images
Pritesh Jain
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rails, paperclip
How to set up Cucumber
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ruby, rails, cucumber, app
rails setup for mac 10.8
Tanvir Raj
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ruby, rails
Developing Ruby on Rails on Windows
Manuel van Rijn
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ruby, rails, ror, vagrant
django with npm precompilers working on heroku
justin j. moses
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heroku, django, node
Keep an eye on your cache keys
Jacob Elder
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ruby, rails, caching, memcached
(german) Jenkins-CI mit Rails 3/RVM/bundler
Stefan Wienert
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ruby, rails, jenkins