Popular Rails Programming Tips
Crossdomain request on Rails /Rack Server
Frank Wambutt
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rails, gem, api, rack
Rails + Delayed Jobs
Débora Fernandes
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ruby, rails, backend, delayed jobs
Error compiling SCSS asset- Emacs users
Pericles Theodorou
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css, rails, emacs, scss
Split ActiveRecord results based on a condition!
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Remove Empty Helpers
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shell, rails
Rake task to reset and re-seed Rails db
Nithin Bekal
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ruby, rails, rake
Simple cache when scraping with Ruby
Miha Rekar
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ruby, rails, scraping, cache
Hiring (Open Source/Java) Software Engineers
Wendy Lee
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ruby, python, java, scala
Installing Rails on OSX
Josh Burns
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ruby, shell, rails, osx
PostgreSQL, Rails and OS X
Esteban Sanín Ángel
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rails, osx, postgres, homebrew
reset heroku database
Michał Czyż
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heroku, reset, postgresql
Multiline strings with ActiveSupport
Pranas Kiziela
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ruby, rails, active_support
Know your RSpec cli arguments!
Titov Andrey
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ruby, rails, cli, arguments
Want to discuss component-based Rails architectures?
Stephan Hagemann
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rails, gems, engines, mailing list
Render Devise Controllers without Layout on XHR Requests
Oliver Petznick
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rails, authentication, devise
multi_json error with Heroku client
Dave Newman
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ruby, snappycode, heroku
enable capistrano backtrace
Mokevnin Kirill
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rails, capistrano, deploy
Rails 3.*: Moving to MongoDB
Ian Bishop
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ruby, rails, mongodb
Object-Oriented file importing and parsing
Harlow Ward
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ruby, rails, object oriented programming, dependency injection
create a regular expression testing playground using ruby and sinatra
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, regex, regular expression
Develo standardize development workflows!
Marian Ignev
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ruby, python, rails, console
Displaying formtastic styled errors for ckeditor in ruby on rails application
Ireneusz Skrobiś
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rails, ckeditor, formtastic
Setting up a great team, Rails and Bower
José Ney Guerrero
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ruby, rails, assets, bower
Use the ENV Luke! (aka: simulate the ENV in OpsWorks using Chef and Dotenv)
Massimo Ronca
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rails, chef, opsworks
Using SASS functions
Gus Bonfant
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ruby, css, rails, sass