Popular Rails Programming Tips
Rails observers and DelayedJob
Alexey Plutalov
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rails, delayed_job, observers
Rotating rails application log files
Jens Grassel
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rails, logging, server
Deploy de aplicação meteor no heroku
Stefano Diem Benatti
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heroku, deploy, meteor, meteorite
Ruby - Formatting the date
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails
DRY up controllers when using acts_as_api - custom rails responder
Tymon Tobolski
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ruby, rails, api, dry
Timed Interval Event Loop in Ruby
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails
Bootstrap3 for Ruby on Rails
Junerey Casuga
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css, rails, js, bootstrap3
Anton Kalyaev
1 response
ruby, activerecord, validation, forms
You can use variables in HTML emails now
Mike Hall
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rails, haml, email
Helper methods for console only
Tomasz Noworyta
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rails, console
Activate HTML Elements Like a Boss in Ruby with Activated UI
Matthew Spence
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ruby, rails, ui, views
Navigate ruby source without an IDE
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
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ruby, rails, editor, code
Stop writing Wordpress themes like its 1998
Ryan Berry
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coffeescript, rails, haml, sql
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
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ruby, rails, linux, deployment
What has changed since the last deploy of a Rails app?
Marcin Kulik
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rails, git, capistrano
3 things to make a static Sinatra App and upload to Heroku
Juan Pujol
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ruby, heroku, sinatra
Set Default Ruby Version Per Project
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, rvm, tips
Getting into Ruby on Rails?
Avner Cohen
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ruby, rails, html, javascript
Simple page inject for JQuery Mobile and Rails Partials
Nick Treadway
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rails, mobile, jquery
Prevent abstract ActiveRecord instantiation
Trung Lê
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rails, activerecord, sti, abstract class
Use a default Schema with the activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter gem
Ralph Rooding
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ruby, rails, oracle, schema
Debug Capybara feature spec failures with build artifacts
0 responses
rails, testing, rspec, capybara
Devise Gem Multiple Role View Editing
Richard Lau
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ruby, rails, gem, devise
Rails controller test output visualization
Greg Vaughn
1 response
rails, html, visualization, controller