Popular Rails Programming Tips
How to run rails s on 80 port ?
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rails, server, port
Regex for searching dynamically created I18n keys in Rails
Alex Popov
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rails, sublime-text, regexp, i18n
A separate dev-database per git branch
Ahad Shafiq
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ruby, rails, databases, git
Add history to the ruby irb console
Pedro Carriço
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ruby, rails, irb
Download Railscasts.com episodes
Felipe Fontoura
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rails, railscasts
Brevidy, the open source video social network
Rob Phillips
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jquery, ruby, haml, web
Make your Rails tests look pretty with redgreen gem
Michiel Sikkes
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rails, terminal, testing
Have Django prepend https to links
Joshua Gourneau
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python, heroku, django, https
Rails UploadedFile testing
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ruby, rails, testing
Ditch the default README
David Underwood
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rails, open source, project management, readme
Rails 3 and Rspec 2: Smooth and super fast
Eduardo Martines
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ruby, rails, guard, devise
My workspace
Marcin Naglik
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Upgrade your Ruby hashes to 1.9 with Sublime
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, rails, sublime
Rails Model Callbacks order
David Paluy
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rails, callback, model
Newrelic on Heroku with Scala and SBT
Jordi Pradel
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scala, heroku, sbt, newrelic
Working with SQL Server with Ruby On Rails and Ubuntu
David Paluy
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rails, sqlserver, freetds, ubuntu
Pundit > CanCan
Juan Lulkin
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ruby, rails, authorization
Beautify Capistrano output.
Sascha Hoellger
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rails, capistrano, deploy
Simplest javascript widget
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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javascript, frontend, rails
Last Return Value in Rails Console
Andreas Grauel
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ruby, rails
MultiPart POST with Image Upload Script
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, on
Starting with Vagrant, Node JS, Express, Mondo DB, Heroku
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
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heroku, express, mongodb, vagrant
describe api rspec method for sinatra or grape.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, sinatra, grape
Testing ordering with each_cons
Ben Burton
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ruby, rails, rspec, each_cons