Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Just Stop
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, development, programming
Please, use Presenters to your views.
Letícia Figueira
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ruby, rails
Speed up building ruby
Benjamin Dos Santos
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ruby, rbenv, ruby-build
Paperclip 4.0 File Detection
Nick DeSteffen
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ruby, osx, linux, file
See how fibers, error handlers and break statements are implemented in Ruby
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, continuations
Installing older libv8 on Yosemite
Max Prokopiev
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ruby, osx, libv8, v8
Testing your FactoryGirl factories (and traits)
Christoph Lupprich
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ruby, rspec, factory girls
Using ActiveResource with non-Rails RESTful API
Jeroen Rosenberg
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ruby, rails, on
factorizing seedbank
Federico Gimenez Nieto
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ruby, rails, seedbank, seeds
Set autoeval on automatically when debugging
Matthew Riddle
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ruby, debugger, irb, rdebug
test uniqueness in your factories
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ruby, tdd, rails, validation
GitShot script with support for Cinema Display
Andrew Burns
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ruby, git, osx, gitshot
Rainbows & Stones 4 the Wealthy
Rok Fajfar
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ruby, terminal, awesome, output
Getting the root of your project
Tom, Bom
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ruby, bash
Crawling and Scraping with Ruby
Pablo Formoso Estrada
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ruby, resque, mechanize, nokogiri
diakonos: happy-making text editor
James Mason
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ruby, toolkit
Forgot to Sudo? !! is your friend
David Underwood
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rails, sudo, rake, bash
Script your development environment
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ruby, puppet, virtual, vagrant
Invoking helpers from API controller actions
Marcello Barnaba
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, api
Tame your email templates.
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, email
pow ignoring rvm
0 responses
rvm, pow
Bubble stor in ruby
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