Popular R Uby Programming Tips
David Kormushoff
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ruby, partition, enumerable, one-liner
Installing Ruby 2.0 on OS X with RVM
Nigel Pepper
0 responses
ruby, osx, mac, development
Replace :key => with key: in emacs
Matthew Boston
0 responses
ruby, emacs, hash
Когда не использовать "unless"
Denis Starshenkov
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ruby, rails, development
Multiple Assignment tricks
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
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ruby, multiple assigment
Vim - Background Server
Chris Patuzzo
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ruby, vim
Zeus gem
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, rails
fixes everything
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rvm, rage
apt-get ruby2
Alex Gibson
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ruby, debian, ubuntu, ruby2
Heads up on Rack::Cache
Alvaro Fernando Lara
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ruby, cache, rack
Dinesh Vasudevan
2 responses
ruby, irb
Bundler e Rails 2.3 LTS
Gustavo Kuklinski
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ruby, rails, rails legacy, rails 2.x
Setting a VERSION environment var in rails... no wait!
Bernardo Galindo
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rails, rake, migrations, migrate
Off the ground with Sinatra
Richard Howard
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ruby, sinatra
Document rendering engine
0 responses
ruby, gem, erb, rendering documents
Get foreman to show rails log when starting server
Jason Ayre
0 responses
ruby, rails, foreman
Deploy non-Ruby apps with Capistrano
Fabrizio Soppelsa
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ruby, capistrano, deploy
Random Bouncy particles using ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, gosu, rails, gaming
Inline SVG Gem
James Martin
0 responses
ruby, css, rails, gem
Prepare Mac for development @FlatStack
Timur Vafin
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ruby, rails, osx, dotfiles
REPL Workflow
David Kormushoff
0 responses
ruby, workflow, repl, python
Ruby Symbols (MRI). they are EVERYWHERE! even :| a symbol.
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
0 responses
ruby, symbol, mri-ruby
Rails Environments
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ruby, rails
easy Ruby base conversion
Aaron H
0 responses
ruby, math