Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Use envdir with Capistrano v3
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, capistrano, rake, daniel-g
Handle encoding of other sources
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ruby, utf8, encoding
Using ShouldaMatchers#permit To Ensure Your Controller Parameters Get Passed
Bruce Park
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Convert Ruby 1.8 style hash rockets to Ruby 1.9 hashes in Vim
Ryan Rix
0 responses
ruby, rails, vim, ruby 1.9
Write once, run (Ruby) anywhere
Marc Chung
1 response
ruby, bash
Creating and overriding .rvmrc
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, shell, rails, rvm
Accessing ActiveRecord DB column options
Bill Agee
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Glot: Reflective Builder Population
Tobias Clemson
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ruby, groovy, gradle, java
Running specifing specs with rspec 1.x
Thomas Riboulet
0 responses
ruby, rspec
Ruby: ask a password without echoing
Luca Guidi
0 responses
ruby, cli
Get your Jekyll site working with pow
Martin Haynes
0 responses
ruby, rack, pow, jekyll
Creating a HTTP Server with ruby in 7 LOC
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, http, server
Display Test::Unit test names when running tests
Jorge Dias
0 responses
ruby, test, test unit, test names
Add a gem with some extra info to your Gemfile
Jelle Vandebeeck
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ruby, gem, rails, gemfile
Midddleman Can't Nest Layouts with mixed file types.
Justin Hill
0 responses
ruby, haml, erb, middleman
Structs with type-casting in Ruby
Will Spitzer
0 responses
ruby, data types, structs
Standardize your strftime calls
Cody Palmer
2 responses
ruby, rails
Sinatra app to deploy master branch based on SemaphoreApp payload
Chip Castle
0 responses
ruby, apache, json, sinatra
Notepad bookmarklet
Yuri Artemev
1 response
ruby, coffeescript, python, scala
Learning Ruby? do it while learning TDD!
Cesar Palafox
0 responses
ruby, tdd, rails, cucumber